How to Help Student Get Better at Reading

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Didactics someone how to read is an extremely rewarding experience. Whether you're didactics your child to read their beginning book or helping a friend to improve their literacy skills, use the following steps and instructions equally a helpful teaching guide.

  1. one

    Teach the alphabet. The first step in learning to read is recognizing the letters of the alphabet. Use a affiche, chalkboard, or notebook to write or display the alphabet. Go over the messages with the student until he or she learns them all. Use the alphabet vocal to help the student to remember.

    • Accept fun with the alphabet! Your pupil will acquire more than easily if their ABCs get a fun part of their daily routine.
    • Once the student knows the alphabet in guild, challenge him or her by writing several letters out of order and inquire them to recollect the letters.
    • You lot can too name one of the messages and ask the student to point it out.
    • When teaching a child, first by instruction his or her the letters of their ain proper name. This makes learning the letters personal and of import. Considering it is something of import to the kid — his own proper name - the kid "owns" his learning, and will be excited by it.[1]
  2. 2

    Teach sounds. One time your pupil is familiar with the alphabet, you will need to teach them the sounds of each letter.[ii] Learning the name of the letter is not enough, as a letter of the alphabet may exist pronounced differently depending on the word. For example the '' g sound in the give-and-take "dark-green" is different from the k sound in the word "giraffe." Once the student has mastered the sounds of private letters, they tin practise blending letter sounds together to form words.

    • This knowledge of the basic sounds of spoken language and their power to be manipulated to form dissimilar words is known as phonemic awareness.[3]
    • Go over each letter and teach the sounds that the letter makes. Give examples of words that kickoff with each letter and ask the student to give examples as well.
    • Y'all can also endeavor stating a word and asking the educatee which letter of the alphabet it starts with.
    • You tin can then familiarize students with common letter of the alphabet pairs which brand specific sounds, such as "ch", "sh", "ph", "qu", "gh", and "ck".
    • Exam their memory with pop quizzes at random times during the day.


  3. 3

    Teach short, one-syllable words. Innovate your educatee to basic reading by showing them two or three letter, one-syllable words. Beginners tend to exercise all-time with words that accept a consonant-vowel-consonant pattern, such every bit Cat or DOG.

    • Beginning by request the student to read a unproblematic, one-syllable word such every bit "sit." Accept the student name each letter, and so attempt to read the give-and-take. If the pupil makes a mistake, enquire over again what sound the alphabetic character makes. The pupil will reverberate and either remember or have to be reminded. When the word is read successfully, generously congratulate the student.
    • Repeat this process with other simple, one-syllable words. In one case a list of about five words is created, go back to the first word and come across if the student can read it more quickly.
    • Continue to introduce more words, gradually introducing longer and more complex words.
  4. 4

    Teach sight words. Sight words are words that need to be learned by heart as they diverge from the normal rules of spelling. Many sight words such as "father", "once more" and "friend" are also loftier frequency words. For this reason, it is very of import that readers are able to instantly recognize these words when they come across them in a text.

    • The most common sight words have been compiled onto lists, such equally the famous Dolch Sight Word Series and the Fry List.[four] Focus on 1 or 2 sight words each solar day. When your educatee learns a discussion, motility on to the side by side on your list.
    • To teach sight words, endeavour associating each word with an analogy. Presenting students with illustrations of sight words along with their print versions helps them to make important connections between the object and the word.
    • Flashcards or posters with a colorful picture and the discussion written nether it are excellent sight discussion teaching tools.
    • Repetition is key to sight word acquisition. Beginner readers should exist given the opportunity to read and write a new sight give-and-take multiple times. The repetitive reading of texts featuring certain sight words is one good strategy for helping students commit these words to memory.[five]
  5. five

    Build vocabulary. A pupil'south reading vocabulary is defined as the the number of words that they know and understand every bit they read.[3] Expanding your student'southward vocabulary is an integral part of teaching them how to read. The wider their vocabulary, the more advanced texts they will be able to read and comprehend. You can help your student to improve their vocabulary in several ways:

    • Read with your student daily. For example, you could take story time after lunch or before bed, depending on your circumstances. Read to them and accept them read back. When you're reading, assistance them follow along.
    • Encourage them to read as much as possible and to vary the type of text they read. When reading, enquire your students to underline any words they don't know, then y'all can explain or aid them look them up the meaning in the dictionary later.
    • Teach them the definitions of words or other attributes of words, such as the meanings of common roots, prefixes and suffixes.
    • Apply clan methods to help students draw connections between what they practice know and words that they do not know. Pairing a new word with a known synonym is an instance.[iii]
  6. 6

    Build fluency. Fluency is the power to read apace and accurately, with appropriate rhythm, intonation, and expression. Beginner readers practice non possess this ability. As a consequence, they ofttimes struggle through texts that are beyond their "comfort" level.[half dozen] Without fluency, a reader will focus all of their energies on correctly pronouncing the words in front end of them, rather than arresting their meaning. When this happens, the reader fails to understand the meaning of the text, making the power to read it pointless. That is why building fluency is so important.

    • Some non-fluent readers will hesitate when reading, unable to audio out words or figure out punctuation. Others will read without expression or changing their tone, rushing through the words without thinking almost their significant.
    • The best way to promote fluency in beginner readers is through repeated reading. In repeated reading, the pupil reads a passage many times while the teacher provides feedback about speed and accuracy levels, helps with problem words, and demonstrates fluent reading.[three] Help your educatee improve fluency by finding a text they savour. They'll amend enjoy re-reading a favorite text.
    • It is also of import to ensure that the pupil is familiar with unlike types of pronunciation. Make sure that your student knows how punctuation marks such equally a comma, a period, a question marking and an exclamation bespeak will touch on the flow and intonation of their reading.[3]
  7. 7

    Test reading comprehension. Reading comprehension is the process of amalgam meaning from what is read. In guild to comprehend a text, a reader must acquaintance the words they read with their actual meaning. Enabling your student to comprehend the text they are reading is your main goal every bit a instructor, as without comprehension, reading is meaningless.

    • In order to test your student's progress, you volition need to appraise their reading comprehension. Typically this tin can be washed by request your student to read and answer questions about what they have read. Formats include multiple-choice, curt reply, and fill-in-the-blank questions.
    • You can also assess your student's knowledge of comprehension strategies by asking them questions while reading, getting them to requite yous a summary of what they have only read and past observing them as they read.


  1. 1

    Read to your child. Read to your child as often as possible. Doing so teaches your child that reading is fun and also introduces your child to the mode that written words sound when spoken aloud. Reading to your child is too a great bonding experience and will encourage them to love books.

    • You can begin reading to your child from infancy onward. Use pic books, textured textile books and books of lullabies for babies and toddlers. One time they become a fleck older, you lot tin can introduce alphabet books and rhyming books.
    • Engage your child by asking him questions about both the content of the book and its pictures. Asking your kid questions about the book y'all are reading together makes the whole experience more than interactive and encourages the kid to really embrace what he is seeing and reading.
    • With babies, you should endeavour pointing at certain pictures and asking questions such every bit "Do yous see the tractor?" while pointing at the tractor. This will help his vocabulary, while allowing him to interact with the reading process. As he progresses, bespeak at animals similar cats or sheep and ask him to make those animals' noises - like "meow" or "baa". This shows that your babe is agreement what they run into, while also providing great entertainment![7]
  2. ii

    Set a skillful example. Even if your child displays an interest in reading from a young age, he volition quickly lose involvement if reading is not demonstrated or encouraged in the home. Children acquire by case, so pick up a book and evidence your child that reading is something that adults enjoy too.[seven]

    • Even if you're very decorated, attempt to allow your child come across you reading for at least a couple of minutes everyday. You lot don't have to read a classic novel to ready a adept instance. Read a paper, a cookbook, a thriller…information technology'due south up to you!
  3. 3

    Look at the pictures. Looking at picture books is a great style to build vocabulary and to help children understand what is going on in a story. Earlier reading a new book, just flip through the pages, commenting on the pictures. Show your child how to spot context clues that will aid them to read.[viii]

    • Try asking questions that they tin answer from looking at the pictures. For example, if at that place's a color word, ask them to judge what the give-and-take is from the picture.
    • At start, inquire your kid to describe the pictures. In one case they are able to describe the pictures well, ask them to draw conclusions most what might exist happening in the story. Yous might ask, "What do you recall is happening here?" or "What do you lot think the puppy is feeling?"
    • Praise correct responses, and ask more questions to encourage them if they're frustrated.
  4. 4

    Use variety. When choosing materials to assistance your children learn to read, include a mixture of phonics books that they can eventually read all by themselves, slightly more advanced stories that yous'll read together and just-for-fun materials of their selection, like comic books and magazines.

    • Using various types of materials and activities helps make learning to read an enjoyable action, not a chore.
    • When you're reading to your child, vary your tone of voice, every bit well equally your volume. If you tin can, give each character a dissimilar voice. This makes reading more than fun and exciting for your child!
    • Do you have a childhood favorite that yous desire to share with your kids? If there's a book that you've read over and over once more, your dearest for information technology tin can be contagious.[8]
  5. 5

    Be artistic. A niggling creativity goes a long way when it comes to teaching kids to read. If your kid is stimulated past the learning process, yous will find it easier to agree their attention and they will learn much faster as a event. Think outside the box and turn learning to read into a fun activeness.

    • Put on a show. You can make reading stories fun and help improve reading comprehension through role playing. Tell your kids that after reading the volume together, you'll decide which characters each of you will play. You can write a short script together, create props and wearing apparel up in costumes or masks.[8]
    • Endeavour making letters out of Play-Doh, writing in the sand at the beach, cartoon on the carpet or using piping cleaners to create words.[9]


  1. i

    Sympathise that teaching an adult how to read is a hard undertaking. Adults are not as quick at learning new skills as children and they may detect it difficult to call up alphabetic character sounds and words that a kid would pick up hands. However, educational activity an adult how to read is also an extremely rewarding experience. You will but demand time and a considerable amount of patience.

    • Unlike children, adult learners cannot spend several hours in a classroom every day. If they are juggling work and family life, they will have a couple of hours a week at most to work on their reading. This tin can significantly prolong the learning process.
    • Illiterate adults may likewise accept a lifetime's worth of negative experiences and emotions that they associate with their disability to read, which tin can be difficult to overcome.
  2. 2

    Assess their ability. In order to find out where to begin, y'all will need to appraise your student's current reading ability. This may be a professional assessment or simply request the learner to practice any reading and writing he/she already knows, and taking annotation of where he/she struggles.

    • Continue observing your learner'due south level throughout the learning process.
    • If he or she consistently struggles with a detail skill or concept, take it as a cue to assistance work on that skill.
  3. 3

    Make them feel secure. An illiterate adult'south greatest challenge is overcoming insecurity well-nigh their ability to read. Many adults suffer from a lack of conviction and from the fear that it is too belatedly for them to learn how to read. Express confidence in their learning abilities and reassure them that it is never likewise late to commencement.

    • Reassure them that their familiarity with spoken English language and their pre-existing vocabulary volition play a major function in learning how to read.
    • Many adults have spent years hiding their inability to read from teachers, family and co-workers. Allow them know that they no longer need to be ashamed or embarrassed and that y'all respect their courage in coming to yous to learn to read.
  4. 4

    Utilize appropriate materials. When instruction adults, look for materials that are not as well childish, or at least inquire whether they heed using children'due south materials. Even so, keep in mind that children's books tin can exist easy beginning materials, every bit they use simple words and rhymes to reinforce the connection between alphabetic character patterns and sounds.

    • Also remember that if you use materials that are likewise difficult or outside of their condolement zone, developed readers can hands become discouraged.
    • Using materials that are challenging, yet manageable will help to build the developed reader'southward ability and conviction.[x]
  5. 5

    Make it relevant. Try to use material that is interesting and relevant to your student. Past using relevant materials, you are making the learning process less of a chore and are encouraging your adult student by showing them the practical applications of learning to read.

    • Endeavor using road signs, newspaper articles or eating place menus when practicing reading.
    • Employ technology by sending your student each new word they have to acquire via text message. This makes learning fun and relevant to everyday life.


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  • Question

    How tin can I help my child learn to read?

    Soren Rosier, PhD

    Soren Rosier is a PhD candidate at Stanford'south Graduate School of Education. He studies how children teach each other and how to railroad train effective peer teachers. Before first his PhD, he was a heart school teacher in Oakland, California, and a researcher at SRI International. He received his undergraduate caste from Harvard University in 2010.

    Soren Rosier, PhD

    PhD in Education Candidate, Stanford University

    Practiced Answer

  • Question

    What books should my child be reading?

    Soren Rosier, PhD

    Soren Rosier is a PhD candidate at Stanford'south Graduate School of Teaching. He studies how children teach each other and how to railroad train effective peer teachers. Before starting time his PhD, he was a middle schoolhouse teacher in Oakland, California, and a researcher at SRI International. He received his undergraduate degree from Harvard University in 2010.

    Soren Rosier, PhD

    PhD in Education Candidate, Stanford Academy

    Practiced Answer

  • Question

    How can I assistance an adult acquire improve pronunciation?

    Community Answer

    Have some patience and whenever yous say a word, have them repeat subsequently you multiple times. Break down the word into easily pronounceable syllables if they are having trouble.

  • Question

    How do yous teach difficult ideas to someone?

    Community Answer

    Beginning with simple words and concepts and then work up to the hard idea. Learning is all about forming connections.

  • Question

    How do I learn how to read well?

    Desiree H. Espinoza

    Desiree H. Espinoza

    Community Answer

    Read materials that are suitable to your vocabulary ability. If y'all read at a third grade level then read more of books designed for that readability level. The beauty of reading is that it's unproblematic... read more frequently. Write some thoughts and reflections as you read.

  • Question

    Is it incorrect to teach adults to read and write without showing the relationship between the sounds and letters?

    Elissa Schwartz

    Elissa Schwartz

    Customs Reply

    Information technology depends on what the developed already knows. The relationship between sounds and letters must exist taught (if they do non have knowledge of this), both for the sake of pronunciation and spelling/writing.

  • Question

    In that location is a senior citizen who has expressed to me that he can't read. I would like to teach him. Where do I brainstorm?

    Community Answer

    Start with picture books. Read to him. Have him transcribe the words. Read to him once more. Ask him to attempt to read some back.

  • Question

    The methods outlined are good. How and where can I access materials?

    Desiree H. Espinoza

    Desiree H. Espinoza

    Community Answer

    Didactics Globe is an fantabulous resource. I besides like Scholastic's resources. Finally, Read Works volition help you find materials.

  • Question

    I accept a friend who knows how to speak, but doesn't know how to read or write. What can nosotros exercise?

    Community Answer

    Expect for tutoring in your expanse. There is no shame in being illiterate, just anyone tin larn to read and write. There's probably not much you can do for them yourself if you lot're non a trained educator, but you tin help them hire someone.

  • Question

    How exercise I amend someone's reading comprehension when teaching?

    Community Answer

    Information technology might exist necessary to explain that sounding out words is only the first half of the reading process. Once words are correctly identified, office two of the procedure begins: understanding. Kickoff by having the student read a sentence aloud. Then, have the pupil look away from the text and country, in his own words, what he only read. If he cannot do this, repeat this process. The idea is to train the student to process what he has read by thinking about and agreement it earlier going on to the side by side judgement. The long range goal is to train the student to do this automatically as he reads silently. It's a slow procedure. Exist patient and never underestimate the power of encouragement.

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  • Anyone tin larn how to read, no affair the age or level that was obtained in school. I on i help, a desire to acquire and the patience of the instructor will event in success eventually.

  • The subject matter must be of interest. It is essential. Ensure that the ideas/concepts in the reading material are familiar to the learner. Talk about the text earlier reading.

  • The learner must be motivated and praised for whatsoever effort.

  • One approach to reading may non exist successful for all learners. often a combination of methods is most successful.

  • Frequent shorter lessons are more valuable and makes for less fatigue for both tutor and pupil. Daily lessons will evidence to be more successful. Familiarity with the process will give the best results.


  • 1 approach to reading may not exist successful for all learners. Often a combination of methods is well-nigh successful.

  • Dissimilar commercial "learn to read" programs are based on different methods. You may desire to detect a phonics based program to go along with other graded materials of involvement to the learner.

  • Have the learner's eyesight checked if he/she seems to have trouble distinguishing letters or words. If yous suspect other learning disabilities get professional person help identifying them then that you can know how to work effectually them.


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Article Summary X

To teach reading, commencement by teaching the kid the alphabet using songs or past showing the them the letters in their name. Once they know letter names, bear witness them the sound each one makes and give examples of words that outset with each letter. Then, move on to brusk, 1-syllable words to accept the child practice sounding them out. Side by side, use flashcards to teach them sight words that are non easily sounded out. Finally, build fluency by having the kid read books and helping them decode hard words. For tips on what kind of books you can use to help your child'southward reading fluency, read on!

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How to Help Student Get Better at Reading


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